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details] & fax over the pay-in-slip to (852)
2566 3873
Please email us following information for ordering or download
our Order Form, print, email or fax us for ordering :-
Your Name:
Company/Business Name to Search:
Company/Business Address to Search:
Contact Telephone:
Contact Fax:
Any Remarks:
We will follow up your Order.
Thanks !
Limitation of Search
The database records are removed for businesses ceased
to be carried for 10 years or more OR are not yet updated
for new businesses for which the registration process
has not yet been fully completed.
The information is provided "as is" or "as
available" basis. Government offices, or the intermediary
providing the information, make no representations or
warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the
operation of the database, or the information, contents,
materials, or products included in the database/information.
Our Group is NOT responsible for any errors or omissions,
or for the results obtained from the use of this information.